Pesky Pup (Dorset, UK)

I really love Bobby from Bob Tails, she just gets me. My mummy says I'm a pain but Bobby just says I'm Pesky. Bobby says I'm not naughty I'm just enthusiastic about life and simply need edumucating on what is wrong and what is right in doggy etiquette. She's been teaching my mum about doggy stuff and life is so much better since Bobby's come along. My mummy is starting to get me now, I hear her on the phone to Bobby sometimes, lamenting about something I've done like jumping on the postman or running off after a rabbit, but mummy always ends the phone call happy because Bobby has explained to her that she must love me unconditionally and that I can do no wrong!! Okay, not really, Bobby actually gives my mummy tips on how to handle me when I get a bit wayward, but really, I'm not a bad boy, I just enjoy life. But Bobby understands that and now so does my mum!

A Pesk Pup x